Exercise: 3
A bank
has many branches
and a large
number of customers.
Bank is identified
by its code. Other
details like name,
address and phone
for each bank are
also stored. Each
branch is identified by
its bank. Branch
has name, address
and phone. A
customer can open
different kinds of accounts
with the branches.
An account can belong
to more than
one customer.Customers are
identified by their
SSN, name, address
and phone number.
Age is used
as a factor to check whether
customer is a major. There are different
types of loans, each identified by a loan number. A customer can take more than
onetype of loan and a loan can be given to more than one customer. Loans have a duration and interest rate. Make suitable assumptions and use them in showing
maximum and minimum cardinality ratios.
mysql> create table bank(code varchar(10) primary
key,name varchar(20),address varchar(20),phone int(11));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
mysql> select * from bank;
mysql> create table branch(id int primary
key,name varchar(10),address varchar(20),phone int(12),b_code varchar(10),
foreign key(b_code) references bank(code));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> select * from branch;
mysql> create table account(ac_no int primary
key,ac_type varchar(10), balance int, bid int, foreign key(bid) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
mysql> select * from account;
mysql> create table customers(ssn int primary
key,name varchar(20), address varchar(20),phone int,age int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
mysql> select * from customers;
mysql> create table cust_ac(acc_no int, ssn int, foreign
key(acc_no) references account(ac_no), foreign key(ssn) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)
mysql> select * from cust_ac;
create table loan(lno int primary key,duration
int,interest float,amount int,bid int(11),foreign key(bid) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)
mysql> select * from loan;
mysql> create table cust_loan(lno int,ssn int,
foreign key(lno) references loan(lno), foreign key(ssn) references
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)
mysql> select * from cust_loan;
a) List
the details of customers who have joint account and also have at least one
mysql> select c.* from customers
c,account a,cust_loan cl,cust_ac ca where cl.ssn=c.ssn and c.ssn=ca.ssn and
a.ac_type="joint" and ca.acc_no=a.ac_no;
b) List
the details of the branch which has given maximum loan.
select * from branch where id=(select bid from loan where amount=(select
max(amount) from loan));
List the details of saving accounts
opened in the SBI branches located at Bangalore.
select * from account where ac_type="sb" and bid=(select id from
branch where address like "%bangalore" and b_code=(select code from
bank where name="sbi"));.
List the name of branch along with its
bank name and total amount of loan given by it.
select b.name,br.name,sum(l.amount) from bank b,branch br,loan l where
br.b_code=b.code and l.bid=br.id group by l.bid;
Retrieve the names of customers who have accounts in all the branches located
in a specific city.
mysql> select c.name from
customers c,cust_ac ac,account a,branch br where c.ssn=ac.ssn and a.ac_no=ac.acc_no
and a.bid=br.id and br.address="bangalore";
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